
Hello, I'm Amiel Seña

Hey there! I’m Miel, just a laid-back individual soaking up life in Pasay, Philippines. Cooking and keeping things tidy are my jams—I find real peace in those simple tasks. You know, having my own space is crucial for me. It’s where I can really zone in and get stuff done. In this bustling city, finding joy in whipping up a meal and tidying up feels like finding little pockets of calm amidst the chaos. It’s in these everyday moments that I find the true beauty of life.

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I’m all about making waves on the internet! My passion? Creating something on the internet that makes a difference. I’ve got this thing for design—it’s not just about making things look pretty, it’s about solving problems and giving them a real purpose. Designing isn’t just a hobby for me; it’s like breathing life into my ideas. It’s all about that perfect blend of creativity and impact, turning concepts into reality online. It’s like unwrapping a gift with every project I dive into.

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I’m all about making waves on the internet! My passion? Creating something on the internet that makes a difference. I’ve got this thing for design—it’s not just about making things look pretty, it’s about solving problems and giving them a real purpose. Designing isn’t just a hobby for me; it’s like breathing life into my ideas. It’s all about that perfect blend of creativity and impact, turning concepts into reality online. It’s like unwrapping a gift with every project I dive into.

UI Designer that develops it's design

I’m all about making waves on the internet! My passion? Creating something on the internet that makes a difference. I’ve got this thing for design—it’s not just about making things look pretty, it’s about solving problems and giving them a real purpose. Designing isn’t just a hobby for me; it’s like breathing life into my ideas. It’s all about that perfect blend of creativity and impact, turning concepts into reality online. It’s like unwrapping a gift with every project I dive into.

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