Merit Stainless Steel

Works > Merit Stainless Steel


E-commerce | Kitchen Equipments Store


UI Design & Website Development


February 2022

The Problem

MeritStainless Steel faces a challenge with its outdated website design. The current user interface suffers from aged visual elements and an obsolete information hierarchy. The design lacks alignment with the company’s updated branding, creating inconsistency and diluting brand identity. Additionally, the hierarchy of information is unclear, hindering user navigation and accessibility. Updating the UI/UX to incorporate modern design principles, align with the new branding, and refine the information hierarchy is essential for enhancing user experience and maintaining brand relevance.

The Old Design

The Solution

  1. Visual Refresh: Implement a modern design aesthetic that aligns with MeritStainless Steel’s updated branding. This includes refreshing the color palette, typography, and imagery to create a cohesive and visually appealing interface.

  2. Information Hierarchy Enhancement: Reorganize the website’s content structure to establish a clear and intuitive information hierarchy. Prioritize important information and streamline navigation pathways to improve user experience and accessibility.

  3. Responsive Design Implementation: Ensure the website is optimized for responsiveness across various devices and screen sizes. Adopting responsive design principles will enhance usability and accessibility for users accessing the site from desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

  4. Brand Consistency: Maintain consistency with MeritStainless Steel’s brand identity throughout the website. This involves incorporating brand elements such as logos, colors, and messaging consistently across all pages to reinforce brand recognition and trust.

  5. User-Centric Approach: Conduct user testing and gather feedback to iteratively refine the UI/UX design. By incorporating user input, we can address pain points and optimize the website for improved user satisfaction and engagement.


Chosen Color Pallete




Design pages


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